Sunday, June 29, 2014

Weekend Baking!

This Summer I have set myself a new task: Learn to cook & bake AGAIN. When I was In high school as a hobby I enjoyed baking and cooking for my family, considering I have the whole Summer holidays I thought this was the perfect excuse to take this hobby up again. Starting off with some simple granola snack bites.

I love granola! It’s the perfect source of fibre and is perfect for breakfast to keep you going throughout the day up until lunchtime. I also enjoy granola as a pudding alternative with yoghurt or as an ice cream topping, is that strange?

After seeing these pictures below you will definitely be tempted to try making them yourself, they are super easy and the yummiest way to be healthy! For picnics, lunch boxes or evening snacks when you need something to stop the sugar craving.


-       300g hard oats
-       100g mixed seeds
-       50g plain flour
-       150g butter
-       200g golden syrup
-       150g soft brown sugar
-       150g raisins
-       125g crunchy peanut butter in aniseed oil, you can choose your own style I chose this one as it is a healthier alternative from Holland & Barrett
-       1 drop of vanilla extract
-       Baking tray lined with baking paper

How to make?

Turn the oven on to gas mark 5 and allow to heat while we prep this granola goodness..

-       Start by melting the butter and golden syrup over the cooker in a saucepan, until all is melted and it is a liquid consistency.
-       Add to the liquid mixture your raisins, sugar, mixed seeds, peanut butter and vanilla extract.
-       In a separate bowl mix together – hard oats and plain flour.
-       Combine together the two mixtures and fold together slowly. If the oats aren’t completely covered in the liquid mixture, add some honey to help the folding process! This is an extra sweet touch too.
-       Evenly distribute through your baking tin lined with baking paper.
-       Place in the oven for 25/30 mins until golden brown, this may vary – so keep an eye! & maybe test to double check the mixture is yummy enough.

Allow to cool, and then dive straight in! You can choose to slice or crumble over yoghurt/ice cream and fruits of your choice.

This week I thought I would mix my blog posts up a little and add something you can now try at home, feel free to adapt the recipe and add your own ingredients. If you don't like dried fruits why not try dark chocolate chips? I may try this idea myself... Yum!

Enjoy baking,

Jessica xo

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